Apply for the Scholarship

This page will guide you through the application process in a user-friendly way. You can find all the essential information for the application here.
See the Call for Applications for further information – click on the CALL FOR APPLICATIONS button. If you are already familiar with the site, click on the APPLY HERE button, which will take you directly to the online application system. If you are not familiar with the site, we recommend that you read the content of the page first.

Application timeline

  • 31 January 2024

    Deadline of submitting applications

  • February 2024

    1st selection point

    Technical check of the applications

  • 28th February 2024

    2nd selection point

    Validation of recommendations

  • March - May 2024

    3rd selection point

    Institutional admissions

  • April 2024

    4th selection point:

    Evaluation of Motivation Letters

  • 15 April 2024

    Submitting the medical certificate

  • May 2024

    5th selection point

    Diaspora Scholarship Committee session

  • June 2024

    Notification about selection results

  • July - August 2024

    Visa application process and submitting missing documents

  • 1st September 2024

    Arrival to Hungary

You can find here the Call for application and its annexes

Itt található az Ösztöndíjprogrammal kapcsolatos minden információ

Click here to open the online application interface

Useful documents

kinyitott könyv földgömbbel (Large)

Application guide

Checklist of the application documents

Dos and don’ts

Letter of recommendation

Mandatory Medical Certificate Template

Student guide

Statement for application

Rights and Obligations, Scholarship Agreement

We advise that you check back regularly for any updates the Operational Regulations of the scholarship programme, as the changes might affect your scholarship holder status.
When reading the Regulations, please pay special attention to obligations of scholarship holders, such as the so-called minimum credit requirement (IV.3.7) or the obligation of learning Hungarian as a foreign language (III.2.1.g)).


Operational regulation

Implementation Guide

Scholarship Agreement


Summer University Course

Frequently Asked Questions

While studying in Hungary in the framework of the scholarship programme, it is not possible to apply for Erasmus programme. This would mean double financing, which is forbidden regarding the Call for Applications. Moreover, scholarship holders are obliged to reside habitually in Hungary during their scholarship period, therefore, this would not be feasible technically, either.

Yes, applicants holding dual-citizenship are eligible to apply for the scholarship, also in case one of the citizenships is Hungarian.

No. You can apply with your other citizenship and fill your Hungarian citizenship to the dual citizenship section.

Residing in Hungary and having a permanent address in Hungary is not an exclusionary reason.

The applicant is not eligible to receive the Scholarship Programme for the Hungarian Diaspore in case they have another concurrent scholarship from the Hungarian central budget. If the scholarship holder was awarded more than one scholarship, they have to choose one of the scholarships and renounce from the other ones.

No. Applicants can apply only if they turn 18 until 31 August (except those applying for Dance study programmes).

Yes. The knowledge of Hungarian language is not amongst the application requirements, except for study programmes in Hungarian language. If you still want to study in Hungarian, it is possible to apply for and complete a one-year Hungarian language preparatory course within the framework of the scholarship programme, before applying for the desired study programme in Hungarian.

You can find the available study programmes in the online application system (

Entry requirements may vary between the host institutions regarding their provided study programmes. Therefore, you are kindly asked to check these requirements regarding your selected study programme(s) in the online application system.

No, the online application (registration) and the participation in the admission examinations are free of charge. Do not apply through any unknown agencies and do not pay for their services regarding the application.

Here you can find the Application guide:

Please do not forget that you need to submit your Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship application on this online platform, starting with a registration:

If you get stuck at any point of the process, contact our office via e-mail, skype or telephone.

No, they can’t. You must upload your documents in the Hungarian Diaspora online application system, and those materials will be forwarded later to the universities by our office. Please, only contact the universities if you wish to know more details about the academic content of a certain course or about the admission requirements and you cannot find that information in the online application system.

Yes, the recommendation letter is a very important part of the application process.

No, they don’t. They can see it in the online system that the status of their application has changed to “Submitted” – or if they make any modifications it changes to “Resubmitted”.

No, they don’t. They can see it in the online system that the status of their application has changed to “Submitted” – or if they make any modifications it changes to “Resubmitted”.

No, there is only one application round each year.

In this case, you can only apply one year later. Applications are not accepted after the deadline.

Certain modifications are possible. For instance, you can upload those documents that you did not have before the application deadline and it is a missing document and you uploaded a declaration beforehand. However, it is not possible to edit your priorities in your online application. You cannot add new courses and you cannot edit the order of the priorities. Also, please do not delete any of the selected courses. In this way, you would only lessen your own chances to get into a university.

Yes, in principle, but those applicants who are registered self-financed/fee-paying students of a Hungarian higher education institution at the time of the application deadline AND who are now applying for the same study level are only eligible to apply for Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship programme if – they are recommended by their Hungarian host universities where they are studying at the time of application, AND – if their cumulative, corrected sum average (“összesített korrigált kreditindex”) is higher than the students’ average performance at the particular study programme (“szakátlag”).

The scholarship programme does not offer traineeships. There are full degree study programmes which include the traineeship as part of the course. In case you wish to apply for partial studies, you will need to consult with the university you are interested in about the possibility to take part in a traineeship during the study period.

Only the representative of a Diaspora Organisation or the Hungarian Representation of the respective territory. A private individual cannot provide the recommendation letter, it is required to be an official document.

No. In case you already have a B2 or C1 level Hungarian language cerificate, you will not need to take another language exam.

In case in the applicant’s country secondary school lasts less than 4 years, the last period of primary education will be considered, too, so a proof of the last 4 years of completed education (secondary and primary school years count together) should be uploaded.

In this case you have the possibility to ask for accepting your application ex aequo et bono and upload a certificate issued by the ministry responsible for education in your country. The certificate has to state that the school certificate necessary for your further education is not yet available.

Yes, it is, or you can also contact a Hungarian Diplomatic Representative to obtain your Letter of Recommendation. Please note, that if the Letter of recommendation is not issued in the country of residence of the applicant, it should explain the connection.

Here you can find the list of contacts:

Yes, because with this you prove that you meet the requirement of carrying out the last four years of your secondary studies in a foreign country (not Hungary).

You need to write a Motivation letter to the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Programme and an other one you address to the institution you interested in to study at. (In case you apply to two different universities you need to write 2 motivation letters and address to the Institution). Please do not forget to fill out the “motivation section” in the online application form and address it to Tempus Public Foundation.

The academic and language certificate requirements can differ in every Host University. Please contact the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Programme Coordinator of the universities which you are interested to study at.

Here you can find the contact list:

In case your mother tounge is English, please upload your transcript of records or/and your school certificate and please fill in the note section, that your mother tounge is English. During the institutional entrance exam, the university will check your language proficiency.

No, we also accept the recommendation letter from other Hungarian Diaspora Community.

You can start and submit your application without a passport. Instead of the passport copy, you can upload the scanned copy of any document that may be used to prove your identity (e.g. your national ID card). In case you do not have any identification document before the application deadline, you can upload a signed declaration in which you state that you will obtain and upload the required document before 1 August.

Mandatory medical certificate 2022:

All applicants (including the applicants who are already studying or residing in Hungary)  are required to upload a medical certificate of satisfactory health condition to the online system by 15th April 2022.

Please find below the mandatory template of the medical certificate which needs to be issued and signed by a physician:

Please note, that, although the completion of the mandatory medical certificate is for the sole purpose of assessing the medical condition of the students, it is still obligatory to fill out.

All necessary information is included in this document and it is obligatory to fill out.

  • All columns are required to complete
  • Yes/No must be indicated
  • Negative/Positive must be indicated

Please have the mandatory form filled by a competent health care professional, it should reflect your current health status.

Please note that there is a designated task to upload this document on your application surface (Mandatory Medical Certificate). After you log in to the application system, you can find the Tasks section of your application. Click on the Mandatory Medical Certificate task and you can find the link of the mandatory template.

After the physician filled out, stamped and signed your medical certificate, please upload the certificate and the mandatory attachments to this task directly, and select “I have uploaded the mandatory medical certificate”.

With any inquiries you might have regarding the medical examination itself, you are requested to contact your physician.

Yes. For more information, please study section 3.3 „Missing documents” of the Call for Applications

They should click on the following link to access the Tasks Section:

They also have to make sure that they are logged in to the online application system before clicking on the above link. After accessing the Tasks Section, they may upload the document(s) to the corresponding Task.

Yes, taking part in Hungarian language and culture course is compulsory for everyone studying in a foreign language study programme. There will be courses organized at different levels for students with a different level of language proficiency.

No. The obligation to pass a Hungarian as a foreign language exam does not apply for students taking part in short term study programmes (1 or 2 semesters) or in partial studies.

Yes. In case the applicant’s knowledge of Hungarian language is not sufficient, his/her application can be forwarded to the one-year Hungarian preparatory programme.

It depens, which dual citizenship you have. If one of them is Hungarian, you do not have to get a visa.

You need to choose your foreign passport, in this case use the Brazil passport when you enter to Hungary.

Yes, it is possible but the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship office does not provide visa, administrative services (e.g. supporting letters) or any additional contribution (e.g. financial support) to family members or accompanying persons.