With a student ID card, you can access several services and receive discounts not only at your university but also in some commercial places, so it will surely bring you many benefits during your academic studies.

After you arrive in Hungary, it is obligatory to request a student ID card (an orange-brown plastic card) that will certify your student status. The student card is free of charge, and it displays your data (name, place and date of birth, address, type of student status), the name of your university and the period of validity. The student card must be validated every semester by the student office of your university.

To obtain a student ID card, you should take the following steps.


Go to a Government Window (in Hungarian: Kormányablak) and apply for a student card. The officers will take a photo of you and register your data, so don’t forget to take your passport and residence permit with you! You can find Government Windows in every district in Budapest and all of the cities in Hungary, so don’t worry, surely you can reach easily one.


Register your application electronically in the administrative system of your university.


If your application is successful, your student ID card is issued by the responsible governmental office. When it’s made it will be delivered to your university where you can receive it in person. While you are waiting for your student ID card, you can request a temporary card from the study office of your university. The temporary student ID card is valid for 60 days and entitles you to the same discounts as the permanent card.

For more information, contact your university’s student office.

The student ID card entitles you to many discounts during your Hungarian stay: public transportation tickets (50%), museum entrance fees, youth hostel accommodation, and library memberships to various commercial places. As a member of the European Youth Card Association (EYCA), the Hungarian student ID card is accepted not only in Hungary but in most EU countries as well.